Harvest Project is a systematic approach to telling the gospel. In 2008 we started Harvest Project in Central America. We asked 365 Pastors to partner with us to reach 1,000,000 families with the gospel. Each pastor from their area came to a regional training conference. We prepared all the materials ahead of the conferences. We made a Google Earth map of each pastor’s area, gave them a copy of John and Romans for each home in their area and a copy of “How to be Saved,” a salvation tool used around the world for salvation. Each pastor came in an intense training seminar during the conference to learn how to successfully train their people how to share the gospel. The pastors are then diligently followed up with to help them in areas they may be struggling in. Each evening we have a revival conference for all the churches of the pastors. We started with a goal of 1,000,000 families: we are now at 3,500,000 reached with the gospel.

Now we are expanding Harvest Project into Mexico and South America. With a new goal of 10,000,000 families, we are working with pastors and preparing the materials for them right now. Pastor Luis Ramos has come alongside us to aid us with Harvest Project Mexico. Pastor Ramos has given us a hub in San Louis Potosi MX, where we can prepare everything for each region. In South America, God has opened a door in Bolivia. We are working with pastors in the area to bring this same tried and true system of getting the gospel to every creature. 

God has uniquely equipped us with the open doors to reach so many lost souls. We look forward to the day when all of Latin America has heard the Gospel! Please keep Harvest Project in your prayers. If you would like to get involved in Harvest Project, consider donating. If you are interested in bringing Harvest Project to your area, contact us.